Datasets (3649)

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The School Electricity Access Database for Africa

The School Electricity Access Database (SEADB) for Africa incorporates (i) Geographic locations of schools (ii) the estimated electricity access for each school, (iii) the estimated power requirements, (iv) the optimised PV and battery size to meet these r...

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DNA metagenomes - Soil biodiversity

The dataset includes raw DNA sequences for 630 samples collected as part of the LUCAS 2018 Soil survey for the biodiversity module. The dataset includes DNA reads annotated as antibiotic resistance and biosynthesis genes (ARG and ABG, respectively) revealed in...

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SOLICIT Indicator Ontology

SOLICIT (semantic ontology-labelled indicator contextualisation taxonomy) is an ontology for contextualising indicators. The ontology integrates the common core ontologies with the concepts of the ISO 11179 metadata registry standard, providing a common mid-le...

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Food consumption in West Africa

Diets, while not the singular cause, are a significant contributor to malnutrition in all its forms. Poor quality diets are associated with a large and growing health burden and are a leading cause of disease. This burden is particularly high in West Africa, a...

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Emissions of pesticide active substances in the European Union

Dataset containing estimated emissions of 152 active substances at NUTS2 spatial level. It contains estimates for active substances belonging to one of the main groups: Fungicides and Bactericides, Herbicides, Insecticides and Acaricides, Plant growth regulato...

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AI TES Dataset 2019

This dataset is the result of a study aimed at mapping the techno-economic segment (TES) of artificial intelligence (AI) from a multidimensional perspective, providing an overview of the worldwide AI landscape in the last decade. The unit of the analysis is th...

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EDO Low-Flow Index (LFI) (version 3.0.0)

The Low-Flow Index (LFI) exploits the simulated 6-hours river water discharge outputs of the JRC’s in-house LISFLOOD hydrological model, in order to capture unbroken consecutive periods of unusually low streamflow, and compares the consequent water deficit dur...

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EDO Soil Moisture Index Anomaly (SMA) (version 2.1.3)

Soil Moisture Anomaly (SMA) at 5 km spatial resolution, computed as standardized deviation from a baseline period 1995-2023. The dataset is derived from 6-hourly LISFLOOD modelled soil moisture in the top two soil layers, as produced for EFAS4 on a LAEA projec...

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EDO Soil Moisture Index (SMI) (version 2.1.3)

Average root zone Soil Moisture Index (SMI) at 5 km spatial resolution. The dataset is derived from 6-hourly LISFLOOD modelled soil moisture in the top two soil layers, as produced for EFAS4 on a LAEA projection. An upgraded version 3.0.0 based on EFAS5 data h...

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EDO Combined Drought Indicator (CDI) (version 3.0.2)

The Combined Drought Indicator (CDI) is an indicator for drought early warning, specifically designed to monitor agricultural drought. Through the combination of spatial patterns of precipitation, soil moisture and greenness vegetation anomalies, the CDI ident...