Various dataset used to demonstrate the functionalities of the nrt Python package. The nrt package provides a standardized interface to multiple online time-series monitoring algor...
JRC-FOREST research is at the basis of JRC's support to a range of forest-related policies, including EU Bioeconomy, Biodiversity, Forest Strategies and the Paris Climate Agreement. This website provides links to finalized research activities on Global and European forests that were carried out within the JRC.
Datasets (126)
Forest biomass density map at 100 m resolution for the year 2010, matching the harmonized reference statistics at national and sub-national scale in terms of forest area, biomass d...
The global map of forest cover provides a spatially explicit representation of forest with standing trees for the year 2020 at 10 m spatial resolution in geographical coordinates (...
A spatio-temporal database of disturbances in European forests caused by insects and diseases.
Design and implementation of the indicator Forest Connectivity in the Regional Yearbook 2022 report by EUROSTAT.
Forest aboveground woody biomass stock (tons/ha) available for wood supply map of EU27 at 100 m resolution calibrated using the harmonized NFI statistics at sub-national level, upd...
Forest area map of Europe at 100 m resolution based on the Copernicus 2018 Forest Type map and modified to match the NFI Forest Area Statistics at sub-national level for the year 2...
Forest Available for Wood Supply map of EU27 at 100 m resolution calibrated using the harmonized NFI statistics at sub-national level, updated to the year 2020. The map includes th...
Map of the forest aboveground woody biomass stock (tons/ha) of EU27 at 100 m resolution, based on the ESA CCI biomass map for 2018 (v3) and modified to match the harmonized NFI sta...
Input and output coefficients between wood assortments: Solid Wood Equivalent, Wood in the rough under bark, Forest residues, Bark, Sawmill by products, Post consumer wood; FAOSTAT...
Design and implementation of global forest attribute layers derived from the Copernicus Global Land Cover dataset 2019
Data on total harvest, salvage loggings and causes of salvage loggings in 17 Member States: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, H...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Acer campestre (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for E...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Abies alba, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitability mo...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Sorbus torminalis (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided fo...
Distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Larix decidua, computed using the NFIs - EFDAC EForest European dataset of species presence/absence. The distributi...
The morphological spatial pattern analysis derived from the Forest/Non-Forest Map 2000 (FMAP2000) using the MSPA algorithm at a spatial resolution of 25-m. Furt...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Populus tremula (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for ...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Fagus sylvatica. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within th...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus cembra. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the s...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Larix decidua, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitability...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Picea abies. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the sp...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Sorbus aucuparia. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within t...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus halepensis. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within t...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus petraea, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabili...
Distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Fagus sylvatica, computed using the NFIs - EFDAC EForest European dataset of species presence/absence. The distribu...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Larix decidua. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the ...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Sorbus aucuparia (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for...
Distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Fraxinus ornus, computed using the NFIs - EFDAC EForest European dataset of species presence/absence. The distribut...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Acer pseudoplatanus (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided ...
This is a pan-European map of forest biomass increment. The map was implemented using MODIS GPP data (NASA Product MOD17A3) adjusted with GPP data derived from upscaling FLUXNET ob...
News related to forest fires in Europe. The news are derived from an automated process with human intervention. The automated process parse a series of RSS news feed, filtered out ...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Carpinus betulus (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus pinea. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the sp...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Quercus pubescens (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided fo...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus sylvestris, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabil...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Fraxinus ornus (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for E...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Carpinus betulus. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within t...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Acer platanoides (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for...
Data produced by the EFFIS Damage Assessment module, aimed to provide assessment of the burnt areas in Europe at the end of each fire season. Maps of burnt areas are derived from t...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Prunus avium. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the s...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Castanea sativa. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within th...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Betula pendula, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabilit...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus sylvestris. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within t...
This is a pan-European map of living forest above and below-ground biomass. The map was implemented following IPCC Tier 1 method. Maps of forest biomass stock and carbon are releva...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus robur, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitability...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Fraxinus excelsior, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitab...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Sorbus aria (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for Euro...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Robinia pseudoacacia (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus cerris, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabilit...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Betula pubescens, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabil...
Pan-European Forest Type Map with target year 2006, Data Source: Landsat ETM+ and Corine Land Cover 2006 and MODIS composites. Classes: broadleaf, coniferous and mixed class, clou...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Alnus glutinosa. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within th...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Salix caprea (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for Eur...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus robur. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the ...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Populus tremula, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabili...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Fraxinus ornus. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the...
The morphological spatial pattern analysis derived from the Forest/Non-Forest Map 2006 (FMAP2006) using the MSPA algorithm at a spatial resolution of 25-m. Further detail...
This is a pan-European map of living forest above-ground carbon. The map was implemented following IPCC Tier 1 method. Maps of forest biomass stock and carbon are relevant for quan...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus pinaster, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabilit...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus pinaster. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Castanea sativa (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for ...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus cembra, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitability ...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus petraea. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within th...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Corylus avellana. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within t...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Eucalyptus sp., computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabilit...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus pubescens. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within ...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus frainetto. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within ...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Picea sitchensis. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within t...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Carpinus betulus, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabil...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus pyrenaica. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within ...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Pinus halepensis (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for...
This is a pan-European map of living forest above-ground carbon. The map was implemented following IPCC Tier 1 method. Maps of forest biomass stock and carbon are relevant for quan...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Corylus avellana (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Salix caprea. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the s...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Fraxinus excelsior (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided f...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus mugo. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the spa...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus cerris. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Robinia pseudoacacia. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries with...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Populus nigra. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the ...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Abies alba (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for Europ...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Acer campestre. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus ilex. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the s...
Pan-European Forest / Non Forest Map with target year 2000, Data Source: Landsat ETM+ and Corine Land Cover 2000, Classes: forest, non-forest, clouds/snow, no data; Method: automa...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Pseudotsuga menziesii. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries wit...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Acer pseudoplatanus. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries withi...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Alnus incana (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for Eur...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Abies alba. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the spa...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus contorta. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Betula spp. (whole genus Betula, i.e. all observed species in that genus). The distribution map is provid...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Alnus glutinosa, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabili...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Fagus sylvatica (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for ...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus frainetto, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabi...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Betula spp. (whole genus Betula, i.e. all observed species in that genus) (raste...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus nigra, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitability m...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus faginea. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within th...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus ilex, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitability ...
Pan-European Forest / Non Forest Map with target year 2006, Data Source: Landsat ETM+ and Corine Land Cover 2006, Classes: forest, non-forest, clouds/snow, no data; Method: automa...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Acer pseudoplatnus, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitab...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Prunus avium (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for Eur...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Pinus sylvestris (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus suber. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the ...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Tilia cordata, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitability...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Ostrya carpinifolia (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided ...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Tilia spp. (whole genus Tilia, i.e. all observed species in that genus). The distribution map is provided...
This is a pan-European map of living forest above-ground biomass. The map was implemented following IPCC Tier 1 method. Maps of forest biomass stock and carbon are relevant for qua...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Fagus sylvatica, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabili...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Castanea sativa, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabili...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus halepensis, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabil...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Picea abies, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitability m...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Alnus glutinosa (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for ...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Prunus avium, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitability ...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Larix decidua (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for Eu...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Ostrya carpinifolia, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suita...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Quercus cerris (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for E...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Alnus incana. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the s...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Populus tremula. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within th...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Fraxinus excelsior. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within...
This dataset series shows the Maximum Habitat Suitability (MHS, also known as survivability) map of Quercus robur (raster format: geotiff). The survivability map is provided for Eu...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Abies spp. (whole genus Abies, i.e. all observed species in that genus). The distribution map is provided...
This dataset series shows the distribution map (raster format: geotiff) of Pinus nigra. The distribution map is provided for Europe (EU28 plus part of other countries within the sp...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus suber, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitability...
Suitability maps (raster format: geotiff) of Quercus pubescens, computed using the ForestFocus European dataset of species presence/absence. The adopted suitabi...
The forest morphology is measured with a set of 4 indicators derived from the Morphological Spatial Pattern Application (MSPA) of the GUIDOS software (Soille and Vogt, 2009) with a...
FAO: global forest fragmentation derived from COPERNICUS Global Land Cover 2015 dataset
ForestEurope: pan-European forest fragmentation derived from CORINE 1990, 2000, 2006, 2012, 2018
Additional information
- Published by
- European Commission, Joint Research Centre
- Created date
- 2018-12-14
- Modified date
- 2024-09-03
- Landing page