Water Pressure Indicators

Acronym: WPI


Indicators providing a "big picture" of the EU's freshwater bodies status for use in the benchmarking of EU member states's reported pressures under the Water Framework Directive. This work package delivers integrated assessments of European water resources considering the efficiency/effectiveness of water uses.

It addresses the competition among agricultural, energy production, household and industrial water use and appraises options for integrated management of the Energy-Agriculture-Water Nexus in the Danube river basin as a representative European macro-regions.

It analyses water resources vulnerability and evaluates cost-effective mixes of river basin management measures through hydro-economic modelling. It provides guidance on water reuse in the context of a circular economy.

It promotes the harmonization of water status assessment methods, evaluates the consistency of assessments of water bodies across Europe and gaps in river basin management measures for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and related legislation, strengthening Europe as a global leader in integrated water resources management.



Datasets (13)

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Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Created date
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