Datasets (888)

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Animation of OPERA rainfall accumulation

This data set shows accumulated rainfall animations for the whole of Europe, based on radar observations and their nowcast. The 15 minutes animation covers the time period from the past 5 hours till the next five hours, showing hourly rainfall accumulations. W...

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EDO 10-day Snow Masks (based on VIIRS, version 2.0.0)

The Snow Masks used in the European Drought Observatory (EDO) are a collection of time-varying binary spatial layers (one for each 10-day period of the year) used to depict the location and extent of snow on the ground. The input data for calculating the snow...

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EU funds mapping to DD targets 2021-2027 - Update 2024

The dataset contains estimated data on planned EU level public investment geared towards facilitating the digital transformation. The data offers estimations of the EU level funding supporting the achievement of the Digital Decade targets, broken down by targe...

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Land Degradation in Europe

This dataset includes the Land Multi-degradation Index (LMI) for arable and agricultural lands and data fro 12 indicators which were compiled to develop the LMI. The dataset includes the agricultural lands of the EU and other European countries (~2 million km2...

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European Hydropedological Data Inventory (EU-HYDI) database

The European Hydropedological Data Inventory (EU-HYDI) contains soil properties with a special focus on hydrological properties. It also includes various other measured soil characteristics associated to the same samples. It can hence serve multiple purposes, ...

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In EDGARv4.3.1 emissions are calculated for gaseous and particulate air pollutants per sector and country. For the energy related sectors the activity data are mainly based on the energy balance statistics of IEA (2014), whereas the activity data for the agric...

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In EDGARv4.3.1 emissions are calculated for gaseous and particulate air pollutants per sector and country. For the energy related sectors the activity data are mainly based on the energy balance statistics of IEA (2014), whereas the activity data for the agric...

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EDGARv4.tox2 Emission Maps

The EDGARv4.tox2 is part of the Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), which provides time-series of man-made emissions of greenhouse gases, air pollutants and toxic pollutants. The EDGARv4.tox2 contains emissions of total mercury and of th...

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EDGAR v8.1 Global Air Pollutant Emissions

EDGARv8.1 provides emissions not only for the greenhouse gases per sector and country but also for the air pollutants: Ozone precursor gases: Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Oxides (NOX), Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOC) and Methane (CH4) Acidify...

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EDGAR v5.0 Global Air Pollutant Emissions

EDGARv5.0 provides emissions not only for the greenhouse gases per sector and country but also for the air pollutants: - Ozone precursor gases: Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOC) and Methane (CH4). - A...

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Soil degradation indicators in EU

Pan-EU assessment of soil degradation based on the latest state-of-the-art indicators of soil degradation as demonstrated in the EU Soil Health Dashboard. This dataset includes the 19 Soil degradation indicators plus the sum of all processes.

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Innovation Output Indicator

This dataset contains the 2023 update of the Innovation Output Indicator (IOI), which is a composite indicator published by the European Commission to quantify the extent to which ideas for new products and services carry an economic added value and are capabl...

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EDO Soil Moisture Index Anomaly (SMA) (version 2.1.3)

Soil Moisture Anomaly (SMA) at 5 km spatial resolution, computed as standardized deviation from a baseline period 1995-2023. The dataset is derived from 6-hourly LISFLOOD modelled soil moisture in the top two soil layers, as produced for EFAS4 on a LAEA projec...

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Public Sector Tech Watch latest dataset of selected cases

This open dataset includes the list of cases for the purpose of the Public Sector Tech Watch, concerning the use of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and other emerging technologies within the public sector. Complete metadata and taxonomy information about t...