Datasets (3640)

Showing results 161 to 180

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EU estimated agricultural balance sheets

A simplified balance sheet to estimate apparent consumption of apples, crops, dairy products, meat, milk, olive oil, oranges and wine, at Member State level. It combines trade data from Eurostat COMEXT database and DG AGRI's short-term outlook for EU agricultu...

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Risk Analysis

The Risk Analysis data portal is a European wide Data Portal intended to improve the access and sharing of curated European-wide risk data computed into risk estimations. The data hosted here are: exposure, vulnerability and risk values in the form of normaliz...

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Disaster losses

The Disaster Loss data portal offers an overview of the available/open source European wide historical loss and damage data from past events. This portal intends to answers the questions: What has been lost? Where? Due to What? The Loss Data Catalog is compo...

Last updated: | Recent visits: 9
Prototype Functional Rural Areas

This dataset describes the FRAGs (Functional Rural Area at the Grid level) and FRAUs (Functional Rural Area at the local administrative Unit level) as described in the JRC working paper Dijkstra, Jacobs-Crisioni (2023), Developing a definition of Functional Ru...

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Global Rainfall Erosivity Database (GloREDa) includes point R-factor data from almost 3,939 stations in 65 countries worldwide b) monthly erosivity values and c) Monthly erosivity maps.

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N2O emissions from agricultural soils in Europe

This dataset derives from the integration of the LUCAS soil survey with the bio-geochemistry process-based model DayCent. The model was ran for more than 11,000 LUCAS sampling points under agricultural use, assessing also the model uncertainty. Meta-models bas...

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Gully Erosion based on LUCAS

The LUCAS topsoil survey 2018 included a module for visual assessment of gully erosion. Gully erosion channels were detected in 1% of the visited LUCAS topsoil sites. Find the 211 points declared as gully erosion.

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Post-fire soil erosion map for Portugal

This dataset contains the results of a study that mapped post-fire soil erosion in Portugal and identified the areas with higher post-fire erosion risk for past and future climate extremes. Two maps are provided: one at 100m resolution and another at 25m resol...

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Support to Renewable Energy Directive

Available Thematic Data Layers for Commission Decision of [11 June 2010] on guidelines for the calculation of land carbon stocks for the purpose of Annex V to Directive 2009/28/EC

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Phosphorus cycle in European agricultural soils

Process-based biogeochemical models are valuable instruments to monitor the P cycle and predict the effect of agricultural management policies. We upscale the calibrated DayCent model at European level using data-derived soil properties, advanced input data se...

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Soil organic carbon losses with lateral transfer to the oceans

A spatially distributed model coupling erosion, transport, and deposition to the carbon cycle was developed. Then, it was used to simulate the impact of cover crops on both erosion and carbon, to show that cover crops can simultaneously increase organic carbon...

Last updated: | Recent visits: 20
Arsenic in European topsoils

Maps of Arsenic (As) in EU topsoils at 250m resolution. In addition, we provide the exceedance probabilities for the threshold of 1.5, 20 and 45 mg kg-1 . We also provide comparison with GEMAS data on As.

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Sediments removal costs

For the entire EU and UK, we provide estimates of sediments removal costs based on three quantification methods: a) Flat rate assignment from modelled sediment delivery b) Regional assignment from modelled sediment delivery c) Sediment remediation costs from ...