Datasets (3648)

Showing results 481 to 500

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Flood in northern France (2023-11-07)

On the 7 November 2023, flooding is affecting the North part of France. A flood red alert has been issued for the Liane and Aa rivers while there is an on-going flood event in other river basins (Hem, Lys, Canche). Many damages have already been reported. Cope...

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Forest flux station - IT-SR2-2022

Measurements of fluxes of CO2, H2O, energy plus meteorological parameters of the atmosphere and the soil at the ICOS station IT-SR2 in San Rossore, Pisa, Italy, following the ICOS protocol. Full year 2020, 2021 and 2022 ICOS L2 data release

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Potential biophysical effects of vegetation cover change

Changing the vegetation cover of the Earth has impacts on the biophysical properties of the surface and ultimately on the local climate. Depending on the specific type of vegetation change and on the background climate, the resulting competing biophysical proc...

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Downscaled GOME2 SIF

A dataset of sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) retrieved from the GOME-2 instrument and spatially downscaled to 0.05 decimal degrees with a semi-empirical light-use efficiency model. The dataset consists of two separate products based each on a different SIF retr...

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BIOMASS data set of ENSPRESO - an open data, EU-28 wide, transparent and coherent database of wind, solar and biomass energy potential

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SOLAR (PV and CSP) data set of ENSPRESO - an open data, EU-28 wide, transparent and coherent database of wind, solar and biomass energy potential

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Flood in Tuscany region, Italy (2023-11-02)

On the 2 November 2023 during afternoon, an intense weather system hit Italy with strong scirocco winds and high precipitations. The highest rainfall has occurred in Tuscany region between Pisa, Florence, Pistoia, and Prato provinces, with the Bisenzio River a...

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Wildfire in Valencia region, Spain (2023-11-02)

On the 2 November 2023 at 13:30, a wildfire is reported to have affected Valencia region, in Spain. The event is on-going and spreading due to the strong wind that is expected to continue for the next few hours. Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping is requested to pro...