Datasets (3646)

Showing results 361 to 380

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INPUT - Traveltime Aggregation Matrix

Data describing accurately aggregated travel times used to set up more accurate travel time models, given spatial interaction and aggregated interacting bodies. These have been used to improve the LUISA travel time estimations as documented in Stepniak and Jac...

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UDP - UNESCO sites

This descriptor shows the number of World Heritage Sites designated by UNESCO. To be included in the World Heritage List, sites must be of outstanding value on the basis of cultural and natural criteria. A high number of UNESCO sites indicates the strong prese...

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UDP - Share of foreign tourists

This descriptor measures the dependence on international markets for tourism demand, revealing exposure to risks related to international travel restrictions and other demand shocks. It is expressed as the share of nights spent by foreign tourists in relation ...

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UDP - Internet speed at tourism destinations

This indicator measures the maximum available speed of internet connection at tourism destinations (municipality level), considering both fixed and mobile networks. It is based on measurements of internet speed at municipal scale, with each municipality weight...

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UDP - Dependence on distant origins

This indicator measures the dependence of a country’s tourism on distant international markets. It is calculated as the share of nights spent at accommodation establishments by foreign tourists arriving from distant origins. Within the European continent, the ...

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UDP - Air travel emission intensity

This indicator is an estimate of the average amount of CO2 emitted per air passenger per reporting country. It is calculated by dividing the amount of CO2 emitted by all passenger flights by the number of passengers within a year. The emission quantities and t...

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UDP - Enterprises using social media

This indicator is calculated as the share of tourism ecosystem enterprises using two or more social media (having a user profile, an account or a user license). It is based on data collected by the National Statistical Institutes through questionnaires to ente...

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UDP - Tourism seasonality

This indicator measures the temporal concentration of tourism activity throughout the year, potentially revealing unbalanced pressure and economic activity, as well as vulnerability to demand shocks. As such, a high seasonality is potentially detrimental for s...

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LF433 - Built-up area per inhabitant (LUISA Platform REF2014)

The built-up area per inhabitant measure the land consumption by comparing the size of the built-up areas with the population expressed in sq. m per inhabitant (m2 per person). The level of detail of this indicator is per NUTS0 and NUTS2. Additional Publicati...

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Simulated world-city public transport networks

This dataset describes counterfactual public transport networks that were simulated for 36 world cities, and the aggregate data discussed in the paper in which these data are published. UNIT OF MEASURE: Meters of network length. RESOLUTION: 1:1000000. COMPLETE...

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UDP - Share of trips by train

This indicator measures the relative importance of sustainable means of transportation within a tourism destination, proxied by the share of trips using train as mode of transportation. Higher values indicate a more widespread use of train for domestic travel ...

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LF443 - Location accessibility (LUISA Platform REF2014)

Location accessibility indicates the travel times to the largest cities in the country or neighbouring countries. The level of detail of this indicator is per NUTS0 and NUTS2. Additional publications: 1. Jacobs-Crisioni C, Batista e Silva F, Lavalle C, et a...

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LF441 - Potential accessibility (LUISA Platform REF2014)

Potential accessibility indicator measures the potential amount of interactions one may have at different points in space. Crucial are the amount of potential interaction destinations, which in the presented indicator is observed as number of people in destina...