LF412 - Residential areas per inhabitant (LUISA Platform REF2014)

Collection: LUISA : Land-Use based Integrated Sustainability Assessment modelling platform 


The residential areas per inhabitant indicator measures the land consumption by comparing the size of the urban fabric with the population expressed in sq. m per mn inhabitants (m2 per person). The level of detail of this indicator is per NUTS0 and NUTS2.

Additional Publication:

1. Barbosa, A., Jacobs-Crisioni, C., Aurambout, P., Batista, F., Barranco, R., Baranzelli, C., Lavalle, C. Simulation of EU Policies and Evaluation of their Territorial Impacts Urban development and accessibility indicators : methods and preliminary results . Scenario in the LUISA platform - Updated Configuration 2014. European Commission - Joint Research Centre.




How to cite

Lavalle, Carlo; Barbosa, Ana (2015): LF412 - Residential areas per inhabitant (LUISA Platform REF2014). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:


CLC EU Reference Scenario 2014 LUISA NUTS NUTS0 NUTS2 Pressure Residential area Urban

Data access

LF412 - Residential areas per inhabitant (Europe)
  • The compressed zip file contains the projected residential areas per inhabitant (sq.m. per capita), from 2010 to 2050. The data is stored in .csv format.

LF412 - Residential areas per inhabitant (Danube)
  • The compressed zip file contains the projected residential areas per inhabitant (sq.m. per capita) for the Danube region, from 2010 to 2050. The data is stored in .csv format.

Land-Use-based Integrated Sustainability Assessment’ modelling platform (LUISA)
  • LUISA webpage (European Commission - JRC Science Hub)


Publication 2015
Evaluation of the status of natural resources in the updated Reference Configuration 2014 of the LUISA modelling platformMethodological framework and preliminary considerations
Lopes Barbosa A, Lavalle C, Vandecasteele I, Vizcaino Martinez M, Vallecillo Rodriguez S, Perpiña Castillo C, Mari Rivero I, Baranzelli C, Jacobs C, Batista E Silva F, Zulian G, Maes J, Guerra C. Evaluation of the status of natural resources in the updated Reference Configuration 2014 of the LUISA modelling platformMethodological framework and preliminary considerations. EUR 26938. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2015. JRC92984
  • Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Publication page 
  • Abstract

    The impacts of current and planned policy initiatives can be simulated by using modelling tools and indicators, which help determine the effectiveness of policies in attaining targets. The Land Use-based Integrated Sustainability Assessment (LUISA) modelling platform was configured to assess the spatial impact of the “EU Energy Reference scenario 2013” on the efficient use of natural resources in the EU-28 in a short time period (2010-2020) and in a long term vision (2010-2050). A set of Resource Efficiency (RE) indicators were computed to measure [1] the progress towards the efficient use of land and water as a resource and [2] the performance on the actions and milestones on natural capital and ecosystems proposed in the RE roadmap, in particular biodiversity, safeguarding clean air, and land and soils. The modelling results show that by 2050: [1] the share of built-up area in the EU-28 will increase by 1%; [2] the EU-28 will use the land less efficiently; [3] the water productivity is expected to increase on average 8%; [4] the landscape fragmentation in the EU-28 will show no significant changes [5] and the PM10 concentrations in urban air and population exposed will remain constant.

Publication 2013
Land Use Related Indicators for Resource Efficiency - Part I Land Take AssessmentAn analytical framework for assessment of the land milestone proposed in the road map for resource efficiency.
Lavalle C, Lopes Barbosa A, Mubareka S, Jacobs C, Baranzelli C, Perpiña Castillo C. Land Use Related Indicators for Resource Efficiency - Part I Land Take AssessmentAn analytical framework for assessment of the land milestone proposed in the road map for resource efficiency.. EUR 26083. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2013. JRC81897
  • Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Publication page 
  • Abstract

    The Communication from the Commission on the Roadmap to Resource Efficient Europe (RERM) defines a set of milestones to illustrate what is required to put Europe on a path to resource efficiency and sustainable growth, thus contributing to a global economic transformation. The 2020 milestone for land is defined as "By 2020 […], the rate of land take is on track with an aim to achieve no net land take by 2050[…]". DG ENV and JRC are conducting a study aiming at assessing the level of effort needed in the EU in order to reach the land milestone set in the Resource Efficiency Roadmap. The study will also analyse environmental consequences of reaching (or not) the 2020 milestone. The study is divided into three parts, covering the following:  the progress towards reaching the 2020 milestone related to “being on track towards no net land take by 2050” in the EU27 (Part I);  the environmental consequences of the achievement of the 2020 land-take milestone (Part II);  the efficiency of land resources’ management in the past and in the future (Part III). This document presents the results of the Part I of the study. The methodological framework relies on an integrated modelling approach based on the Land-Use Modelling Platform (LUMP) . In this modeling platform, three land take

    development scenarios are being developed and assessed.

Geographic areas

European Union

Temporal coverage

From date To date
2010-01-01 2050-12-31

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Created date
Modified date
Issued date
Landing page 
Data theme(s)
Regions and cities, Science and technology
Update frequency
25 Nov 2024: 1 visits