Datasets (7)

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Topsoil data for 18,984 samples from LUCAS 2018 are available as a CSV file and, to facilitate use of the data, an ESRI shapefile containing the theoretical points to which the taken samples should be associated; you may preview the readme file to find a descr...

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Topsoil Soil Organic Carbon (LUCAS) for EU25

This dataset (2015) provides maps for Topsoil Soil Organic Carbon in EU-25 that are based on LUCAS 2009 soil poibnt data through a generalized additive model. Map of predicted topsoil organic carbon content (g C kg-1) : The map of predicted topsoil organic car...

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Pan-European SOC stock of agricultural soils

Data (2014) related to Pan-European SOC stock of agricultural soils, containing GIS maps for a) Pan-European SOC stock of agricultural soils (shapefile), b) Potential carbon sequestration by modelling a comprehensive set of management practices (shapefile), ...

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Soil Organic Carbon - Saturation Capacity in Europe

This dataset (map) (2016) shows the Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) saturation capacity, expressed as the ratio between the actual and the potential SOC stock in each pixel. Values close to 0 indicate a great potential of soil to store more carbon.