Datasets (3)

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Radiological Release Trajectories of ISLOCA and SBO in Almaraz NPP

Forward daily kinematic three-dimensional trajectories with duration of 120 hours obtained by using the HYSPLIT model for the 2012-2016 period. The model computed air-mass locations (latitude, longitude and height above ground level) in intervals of 1 hour, i....

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Radiological Releases of an SBO in Almaraz NPP

Results obtained from the simulation with of the JRODOS system (Realtime Online DecisiOn Support system) of an hypothetical scenario with a SBO (long-term station blackout) accident in the Spanish Almaraz Nuclear power Plant. Transport, dispersion and ground d...

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Radiological Releases of an ISLOCA in Almaraz NPP

Results obtained from the simulation with of the JRODOS system (Realtime Online DecisiOn Support system) of an hypothetical scenario with a ISLOCA accident (interfacing system loss-of-coolant accident) in the Spanish Almaraz Nuclear power Plant. Transport, di...