Assessment of the Nuclear Risk in Europe

Acronym: ANURE


The elaboration of risk maps, as tools to identify and categorise the affected areas in terms of radiological impact to population, are very useful in Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans, as they allow to prioritise where the application of remediation techniques is necessary. The ANURE (Assessment of the NUclear Risk in Europe - A Case Study in the Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant, Spain) Project has been developed under a research collaboration agreement between the European Commission Directorate General Joint Research Centre (EC/DG JRC) and the Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT). It aims at developing a methodology to elaborate this kind of risk maps, integrating all the factors previously considered, in order to identify those areas of most concern. This collection contains the datasets produced in the framework of the ANURE project, as a result of the simulations performed with the JRODOS system and the HYSPLIT model in the case study, which have been the basis of the analyses performed to exemplify and test the methodology for assessing and mapping the risk of radiological exposure through the food chain in the event of severe nuclear accidents with off-site consequences at the European level.


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Datasets (3)

DATASET | Last updated:
Radiological Releases of an SBO in Almaraz NPP

Results obtained from the simulation with of the JRODOS system (Realtime Online DecisiOn Support system) of an hypothetical scenario with a SBO (long-term station blackout) acciden...

DATASET | Last updated:
Radiological Releases of an ISLOCA in Almaraz NPP

Results obtained from the simulation with of the JRODOS system (Realtime Online DecisiOn Support system) of an hypothetical scenario with a ISLOCA accident (interfacing system loss...

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
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