LUISA Base Map 2012

Collection: LUISA : Land-Use based Integrated Sustainability Assessment modelling platform 


The LUISA Base Map 2012 is a high-resolution land use/land cover map developed and produced by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. It corresponds to a modified and improved version of the CORINE Land Cover 2012 map. Compared to CORINE,

the LUISA Base Map delivers a higher overall spatial detail and finer thematic breakdown of artificial land use/cover categories (17 categories instead of 11 in CORINE). The LUISA Base Map can be used for multiple purposes and it is more suitable than CORINE for applications requiring fine spatial and/or thematic detail of land use/land cover consistently across Europe, such as land use/cover accounting and modelling. Coverage: EU27, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom. RESOLUTION: MMU = 1ha (artificial surfaces); MMU = 5ha (non artificial surfaces); pixel resolution = 50m, 100m LINEAGE: The 2012 edition of the LUISA Base Map is constructed by refining the original thematic and spatial detail of the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) 2012. The methodology consists of a structured, automated and reproducible geospatial data fusion approach that integrates disparate but highly detailed land use information from a series of trusted, off-the-shelf datasets onto the CLC 2012 map, relying on data from the reporting year 2012 whenever possible. The main sources include the CLC Change Maps, the Copernicus High Resolution Layers (forest, water, wetlands, and imperviousness layers), the Copernicus Urban Atlas and Coastal Zones, the European Settlement Map 2012 from the Joint Research Centre, as well as the TomTom Multinet and OpenStreeMap. The use of various European-wide remotely sensed imagery as input and a uniform and automated methodology yields high comparability of the map across countries. The LUISA Base Maps 2012 and 2018 were produced using the same method and data sources. However, input data from 2012 and 2018 may not be always comparable. This is especially the case of the Copernicus High Resolution Layers whose sensors and algorithms changed between 2012 and 2018. For this reason, the LUISA Base Maps are not suitable for change detection. For what concerns the accounting of changes in urban fabric for larger geographical units (e.g. NUTS), the effect of differences in input data is limited because the LUISA Base Map uses the Copernicus Imperviousness change layers to detect meaningful changes of urban fabric backwards, using 2018 as the reference period. COMPLETENESS: 100%


Filipe.BATISTA (at)


How to cite

Batista, Filipe; Pigaiani, Cristian (2021): LUISA Base Map 2012. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:


2012 CORINE Land Cover Europe Land cover Land use LUISA

Data access

LUISA Base Map 2012
  • LUISA Base Map 2012 provided as TIFF files at 50m and 100m pixle resolution, together with its legend in 3 formats: lyr (for ARCGIS), .qml (for QGIS) and .xlsx


Publication 2021
The LUISA Base Map 2018
Pigaiani, C. and Batista E Silva, F., The LUISA Base Map 2018, EUR 30663 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-34207-6 (online), doi:10.2760/503006 (online), JRC124621.
  • Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Publication page 
  • Abstract

    The LUISA Base Map 2018 is a land use/land cover map of Europe compatible with the CORINE Land Cover nomenclature, but offering a considerable higher spatial and thematic detail. It was produced by employing an automated, reproducible and structured geographical data fusion approach, integrating land use data from diverse, trusted, off-the-shelf geospatial data sources. It is a key input to the European Commission Joint Research Centre LUISA territorial model. Because it is publicly available, it can be used in many other applications requiring fine spatial and/or thematic detail of land use/land cover consistently for Europe. This technical report describes the background and specifications of the LUISA Base Map 2018, documents the materials and methods employed in its production, and discussed its main strengths and limitations.

Geographic areas


Temporal coverage

From date To date
2012-01-01 2012-12-31

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Created date
Modified date
Issued date
Landing page 
Data theme(s)
Environment, Health, Population and society, Science and technology
Update frequency
26 Apr 2024: 1 visits