Last updated: 10 Feb 2020 | Recent visits: 2 W EFE Analysis of the water-power nexus of the Balkan Peninsula power system Power generation sector worldwide accounts for high water withdrawal and consumption due to the hydropower generation and cooling of thermal power plants. Hence, the operation of the power generation sector is constrained by the availability of the water resou... WEB PUB DWN GEO
Last updated: 20 Dec 2018 | Recent visits: 11 E TRI 2017 Techno-economics for smaller heating and cooling technologies This study provides data and projections for smaller heating and cooling technologies for the residential and tertiary sectors including an outlook until 2050. It covers key parameters needed for technical and economic assessments of the energy technologies an... WEB PUB DWN
Last updated: 20 Dec 2018 | Recent visits: 7 E TRI 2017 Techno-economics for larger heating and cooling technologies This study provides data and projections for large-scale District Heating (DH) technologies including an outlook till 2050 and regional differences. It covers key parameters needed for technical and economic assessments of the energy technologies and for syste... WEB PUB DWN