LF331 - Biomass harvested from energy crops (LUISA Platform REF2014)

Collection: LUISA : Land-Use based Integrated Sustainability Assessment modelling platform 


The indicator is defined as the amount of biomass produced from dedicated energy crops over the total surface area. The unit of measurement is thousands of tons per hectare.




How to cite

Lavalle, Carlo; Perpina Castillo, Carolina; Baranzelli, Claudia (2015): LF331 - Biomass harvested from energy crops (LUISA Platform REF2014). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:


CAPRI Common Agriculture Policy EU Reference Scenario 2014 LUISA NUTS NUTS0 NUTS2 Pressure renewable Energy directive TESI

Data access

LF331 - Biomass harvested from energy crops (Europe)
  • The compressed zip file contains the projected energy crops production maps from 2010 to 2050. The data is stored in .csv format.

LF331 - Biomass harvested from energy crops (Danube)
  • The compressed zip file contains the projected energy crop production maps for the Danube region, from 2010 to 2050. The data is

    stored in .csv format.

Land-Use-based Integrated Sustainability Assessment’ modelling platform (LUISA)
  • LUISA webpage (European Commission - JRC Science Hub)


Publication 2015
Modelling the spatial allocation of 2nd-generation feedstock (lignocellulosic crops) in Europe
Perpiña Castillo C, Lavalle C, Baranzelli C, Mubareka S. Modelling the spatial allocation of 2nd-generation feedstock (lignocellulosic crops) in Europe. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE 29 (10); 2015. p. 1807-1825. JRC91701
Publication page 
  • Abstract

    The main topic of this paper is modelling the spatial allocation of 2nd generation feedstock (lignocellulosic crops) under a reference policy scenario in Europe. The Land Use Modelling Platform (LUISA) has been used in order to simulate the land use changes from 2010 to 2050. The configuration of LUISA is detailed, highlighting the biophysical suitability aspects of two main energy crops groups: herbaceous and woody lignocellulosic crops. A suitability map for each energy crop was generated using multicriteria analysis (MCA). Biophysical factors (climate, soil properties and topographical aspects), natural and artificial constraints and location-specific land categories were defined as relevant components within the platform. A sensitivity analysis of the set of selected factors was then applied. The sensitive analysis provide insight into the most influent factors on the model, highlighting temperature, precipitation, length growing period and frost free days. The results of modelling 2nd generation feedstock in LUMP clearly reflected the significant renewable energy contribution from energy crops in EU-28, which was estimated in the range between 12.25 PJ/year (in 2020) and 33.18 PJ/year (in 2050). The aggregated results of 2nd generation feedstock per NUTS3 level were mapped to show the energy crop land allocation trend and to identify the regions where its demand is significantly high such as Germany, the United Kingdom and Poland. NOTE: The former acronym 'LUMP' is used in the paper instead of 'LUISA', due to the timing of submission and revision of the paper.

Publication 2015
European landscape changes between 2010 and 2050 under the EU Reference Scenario: EU Reference Scenario 2013 LUISA platform – Updated Configuration 2014
Lopes Barbosa A, Perpiña Castillo C, Baranzelli C, Aurambout J, Batista E Silva F, Jacobs C, Vallecillo Rodriguez S, Vandecasteele I, Kompil M, Zulian G, Lavalle C. European landscape changes between 2010 and 2050 under the EU Reference Scenario: EU Reference Scenario 2013 LUISA platform – Updated Configuration 2014. EUR 27586. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2015. JRC98696
  • Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Publication page 
  • Abstract

    The ‘Land-Use-based Integrated Sustainability Assessment’ modelling platform (LUISA) is primarily used for the ex-ante evaluation of EC policies that have a direct or indirect territorial impact. It is based on the concept of ‘land function’ for cross-sector integration and for the representation of complex system dynamics. Beyond a traditional land use model, LUISA adopts a new approach towards activity-based modelling based upon the endogenous dynamic allocation of population, services and activities. LUISA has been applied to address the competition for land arising from the energy, transport and climate dimensions of EU policies and configured according to the EU Energy Reference scenario 2013 (updated configuration 2014) to produce high-resolution land use/cover projections up to 2050 and a related series of thematic indicators. This report describes the stocks and the main land cover/use flows (LCF) taking place in Europe in the period 2010-2050 and the processes that cause those flows, thus providing insight on how the European landscape might change if the future happens according to a reference scenario consistent with settings (economic and demographic in particular) and policies in place in 2013 (hence including in particular the 2020 renewable energy targets). Main findings: • The extent of the land for housing and leisure (urban) and industrial/commercial and services (ICS) increases, while the area of agriculture, forest and natural land decreases; • Urban and industrial land are expected to represent the highest share of net formation as % of the initial year (2010); • Energy crops appear in the model as of 2020 and are expected to reach 135,479 km2 across Europe in 2050; • Energy crops become the second most important land transformation in Europe (17%); approximately 90 % of the land consumed for energy purposes comes from land for food and feed, followed by forest and natural land; • While a large proportion of land dedicated to food and feed crops is expected to be converted into dedicated energy crops, the net land losses are very small as a results of the conversion from forest land into food and feed production; • New forest and natural land compensate in some way for quantity of losses or consumption by other uses; however the high value of the turnover indicator, reveal that those land-uses are unstable and vulnerable to the fast changes driven by economic development and climate changes, thus compromising the biodiversity and habitat conservation status; • The conversion between farming types represent 35% over the total land changes between 2010 and 2050; The results show the loss of natural and agricultural land because of ever-ongoing urbanisation and industrialization processes. The loss of natural and agricultural land for food production is even larger because of the advent of energy crops production incited by shifts in the European Energy supply system.

Geographic areas

European Union

Temporal coverage

From date To date
2010-01-01 2050-12-31

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Created date
Modified date
Issued date
Landing page 
Data theme(s)
Energy, Science and technology
Update frequency
22 Jul 2024: 1 visits