Strategic Trade Atlas Data 2018-2022

Collection: STA : Strategic Trade Atlas 


The slice of world trade data underlying the Strategic Trade Atlas is made available here, covering the trade period 2018-2022. The data is published in three sets. The first, named Strategic Trade Atlas Data, is the main set. It includes trade flow data between countries in strategic commodities over time. The second set, named Strategic Commodities RCA Data, provides the estimation of the Revealed Comparative Advantage by countries in the trade of strategic commodities for the time period of reference. The third set, named Total Trade Data, includes trade measures by countries in all commodities (strategic and non strategic). This is of use to compute the share of strategic trade versus all trade.


cristina.versino (at)


  • Cristina Versino
  • Stefano Martino

How to cite

Versino, Cristina; Martino, Stefano (2024): Strategic Trade Atlas Data 2018-2022. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:


dual-use export control Harmonized System non proliferation strategic trade military

Data access

Total Trade Data, CSV
  • The compressed CSV file contains 2260 records about the total trade by countries measured on the aggregation of all commodities. A record contains the following fields: REPORTER (country reporting trade, expressed in full text name, as well as ISO2 and ISO3 country codes); FLOW of trade (import, export); PERIOD of trade (a year); Trade VALUE USD and QUANTITY KG.

Strategic Commodities RCA Data, CSV
  • The compressed CSV file contains 88031 records about the Revealed Comparative Advantage by countries measured on the trade of strategic commodities. A record contains the following fields: REPORTER (country reporting trade, expressed in full text name, as well as ISO2 and ISO3 country codes); FLOW of trade (import, export); PERIOD of trade (a year); STRATEGIC COMMODITY SHORT DESCRIPTION; RCA VALUE USD (the Revealed Comparative Advantage measured on the value of trade); RCA QUANTITY KG (the Revealed Comparative Advantage measured on the quantity of trade); NRCA VALUE USD (the Normalized Revealed Comparative Advantage measured on the value of trade); NRCA QUANTITY KG (the Normalized Revealed Comparative Advantage measured on the quantity of trade).

Strategic Trade Atlas Data, CSV
  • The compressed CSV file contains 2,156,684 trade records. A record contains the following fields: REPORTER (country reporting trade, expressed in full text name, as well as ISO2 and ISO3 country codes); PARTNER (country partner in trade, expressed in full text name, as well as ISO2 and ISO3 country codes); FLOW of trade (import, export); PERIOD of trade (a year); COMMODITY CODE and COMMODITY DESCRIPTION (expressed in the Harmonized System); STRATEGIC COMMODITY SHORT DESCRIPTION; Trade VALUE USD and QUANTITY KG.


Publication 2021
Strategic Trade Atlas 2015-2019. Country- and Commodity-Based Views
Versino, C., Heine, P. and Carrera, J., Strategic Trade Atlas 2015-2019. Country- and Commodity-Based Views, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-42353-9 (online), JRC126624.
  • Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Publication page 
  • Abstract

    A Strategic Trade Atlas was developed to promote understanding of global trade flows of strategic goods, i.e., goods of militarily strategic value, including dual-use goods. This Atlas provides macroscopic graphical representations of global trade flows classified under Harmonized System (HS) codes associated by the World Customs Organization with strategic commodities. The profiles provide information rich

    representations of strategic commodity-related imports and exports classified under these HS codes, based on data originally reported to and made publicly available by the United Nations Statistical Division, then processed to reconcile trade asymmetries by the Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales. This and other high quality, statistically relevant data sources exist, but are largely untapped resources for strategic trade control purposes. Efforts to promote and facilitate use of trade data should enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of strategic trade control efforts.

Temporal coverage

From date To date
2018-01-01 2022-12-31

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Created date
Modified date
Issued date
Landing page 
Data theme(s)
Economy and finance, Science and technology
Update frequency