Collection: JRC-IDEES : The JRC Integrated Database of the European Energy System  


The Joint Research Centre's Integrated Database of the European Energy System (JRC-IDEES) compiles a rich set of information allowing for highly granular analyses of the dynamics of the European energy system, so as to better understand the past and create a robust basis for future policy assessments. The JRC-IDEES-2021 release contains a consistent set of disaggregated energy-economy-emissions data for each Member State of the European Union, covering all sectors of the energy system for the 2000-2021 period: industry, buildings, transport, and power generation. This data complies with Eurostat energy balances while providing a plausible decomposition of energy consumption into specific processes and end uses. In each sector, JRC-IDEES uses a vintage-specific approach to characterize the energy-using equipment in operation. It accordingly identifies different drivers and provides insights on their role while accounting for structural differences across countries. As such, JRC-IDEES has several key applications for energy-related research and policy analysis, such as the parameterization of energy models and the assessment of past and prospective policies.


jrc-c6-jrc-idees (at)


How to cite

Rozsai, Mate; Jaxa-Rozen, Marc; Salvucci, Raffaele; Sikora, Przemyslaw; Tattini, Jacopo; Neuwahl, Frederik (2024): JRC-IDEES-2021. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:


Energy system Industry Power generation Residential sector Renewable energy Services sector Transport

Data access



Publication 2024
JRC-IDEES-2021: the Integrated Database of the European Energy System – Data update and technical documentation
Rózsai, M., Jaxa-Rozen, M., Salvucci, R., Sikora, P., Tattini, J. and Neuwahl, F., JRC-IDEES-2021: the Integrated Database of the European Energy System – Data update and technical documentation, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2024, doi:10.2760/614599 (online), JRC137809.
  • Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Publication page 
  • Abstract

    The Joint Research Centre's Integrated Database of the European Energy System (JRC-IDEES) incorporates in a single database a rich set of information allowing for highly granular analyses of the dynamics of the European energy system, so as to better understand the past and create a robust basis for future policy assessments. JRC-IDEES provides a consistent set of disaggregated energy-economy-emissions data for each Member State of the European Union, covering all sectors of the energy system for the 2000-2021 period. This data complies with Eurostat energy balances while providing a plausible decomposition of energy consumption into specific processes and end uses. In each sector, JRC-IDEES uses a vintage-specific approach to quantify the characteristics of the energy-using equipment in operation, along with the average operation of the equipment stock. It accordingly identifies different drivers and provides insights on their role by sector while accounting for structural differences across countries. As such, JRC-IDEES has several key applications for energy system modelling, research, and policy analysis, such as the parameterization of energy models and the assessment of past and prospective policies.

    JRC-IDEES is freely accessible to the general public since 2018. This report documents the 2024 update (JRC-IDEES-2021), which is available through the JRC Data Catalogue and introduces a number of methodological refinements while extending the time coverage until 2021.

Temporal coverage

From date To date
2000-01-01 2021-12-31

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Created date
Modified date
Issued date
Data theme(s)
Update frequency