GHS-SMOD R2019A - GHS settlement layers, updated and refined REGIO model 2014 in application to GHS-BUILT R2018A and GHS-POP R2019A, multitemporal (1975-1990-2000-2015) - OBSOLETE RELEASE

Collection: GHSL : Global Human Settlement Layer 


The layers present a refinement of the REGIO degree of urbanization model using as applied to the global population grid generated by the JRC in four epochs (1975, 1990, 2000, 2015). They have been generated by integration of built-up areas extracted from Landsat image data processing (GHS-BUILT), and population data derived from the CIESIN GPW v4.10 (GHS-POP).

This product is an update of the data released in 2016. The GHS Settlement Model grid is an improvement of the GHS Settlement Grid (R2016A) introducing a more detailed classification of settlements in two levels, also called ‘refined degree of urbanization’. The Settlement Model is provided at the detailed level (Second Level - L2). First level, as a porting of the Degree of Urbanization adopted by EUROSTAT can be obtained aggregating L2.


jrc-ghsl-data (at)


How to cite

Pesaresi, Martino; Florczyk, Aneta; Schiavina, Marcello; Melchiorri, Michele; Maffenini, Luca (2019): GHS-SMOD R2019A - GHS settlement layers, updated and refined REGIO model 2014 in application to GHS-BUILT R2018A and GHS-POP R2019A, multitemporal (1975-1990-2000-2015) - OBSOLETE RELEASE. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] doi: 10.2905/42E8BE89-54FF-464E-BE7B-BF9E64DA5218 PID:


degree of urbanization GHS-SMOD GHSL global map GPW high density clusters low density clusters Settlement model urban center urban cluster urban-rural population

Data access

  • The data are organised in several datasets, i.e.,

    one GHS settlement grid per each epoch 1975, 1990, 2000 and 2015. All datasets are offered at low resolution (1km, World Mollweide projection). The compressed ZIP file contain TIF files and short documentation.

GHSL website
Access conditions
No limitations 
  • Project Web site


Publication 2019
GHSL Data Package 2019
Florczyk, A., Corban, C., Ehrlich, D., Carneiro Freire, S., Kemper, T., Maffenini, L., Melchiorri, M., Pesaresi, M., Politis, P., Schiavina, M., Sabo, F. and Zanchetta, L., GHSL Data Package 2019, EUR 29788 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019, ISBN 978-92-76-13186-1 (online),978-92-76-13187-8 (print), doi:10.2760/290498 (online),10.2760/0726 (print), JRC117104.
  • Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Publication page 
  • Abstract

    The Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) produces new global spatial information, evidence-based analytics and knowledge describing the human presence on the planet Earth. The GHSL operates in a fully open and free data and methods access policy, building the knowledge supporting the definition, the public discussion and the implementation of European policies and the international frameworks as the 2030 Development Agenda and the related thematic agreements. The GHSL supports the GEO Human Planet Initiative (HPI) that is committed to developing a new generation of measurements and information products providing new scientific evidence and a comprehensive understanding of the human presence on the planet and that can support global policy processes with agreed, actionable and goal-driven metrics. The Human Planet Initiative relies on a core set of partners committed in coordinating the production of the global settlement spatial baseline data. One of the core partners is the European Commission, Directorate General Joint Research Centre, Global Human Settlement Layer project. The Global Human Settlement Layer project produces global spatial information, evidence-based analytics, and knowledge describing the human presence in the planet. This document describes the public release of the GHSL Data Package 2019 (GHS P2019).

Geographic areas


Spatial coverage

Type Value
<gml:Polygon xmlns:gml="">  <gml:outerBoundaryIs>    <gml:LinearRing>      <gml:coordinates>-180,90 180,90 180,-90 -180,-90 -180,90</gml:coordinates>    </gml:LinearRing>  </gml:outerBoundaryIs></gml:Polygon>
<gml:Polygon xmlns:gml="">  <gml:exterior>    <gml:LinearRing>      <gml:posList>-180 90 180 90 180 -90 -180 -90 -180 90</gml:posList>    </gml:LinearRing>  </gml:exterior></gml:Polygon>
POLYGON ((-180 90, 180 90, 180 -90, -180 -90, -180 90))

Temporal coverage

From date To date
1975-01-01 2015-12-30

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Created date
Modified date
Issued date
Landing page 
Data theme(s)
Regions and cities, Science and technology
Update frequency