Activation date: 2022-09-12
Event type: Wildfire
Activation reason:
The CEMS Risk and Recovery Standard has been activated by the Spanish General Directorate of Civil Protection and Emergencies (CENEM) on behalf of the “Área de Coordinación de Emergencias y Protección Civil de Ceuta” following the forest fire that broke out in the Autonomous City of Ceuta (Spain) on 09 September 2022. The goal of the activation is to provide wildfire damage delineation and grading products and to assess the post-disaster erosion risk. The P07-Wildfire delineation and grading product has been generated by using post-event VHR satellite images. The analysis resulted in 119.98 ha burnt, of which 36.74 ha have been slightly damaged, 34.25 ha moderately damaged, 38.99 highly damaged and 9.99 ha have been destroyed.The P16-Post-Disaster Soil Erosion Risk Assessment shows that the soil loss susceptibility is very low in some sectors of the AOI, but the risk is severe for other vast parts which is the case concerning the area affected by the fire.
- European Commission, Joint Research Centre
How to cite
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) (2022): Wildfire in Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta, Spain (2022-09-12). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:
CEMS Copernicus Copernicus Emergency Management Service Copernicus Emergency Management Service Risk and Recovery Mapping Activation Copernicus EMS Copernicus Service Emergency Emergency Management EMSN137 ESP Mapping Risk and Recovery Mapping Spain Wildfire
Data access
Maps produced in scope of this Copernicus EMS Risk and Recovery Mapping activation downloadable as georeferenced PDFs, TIFFs and JPEGs together with relevant geodatabase (GDB) and complete final report as well.
Spatial coverage
Type | Value |
GML | <gml:Polygon xmlns:gml=""> <gml:outerBoundaryIs> <gml:LinearRing> <gml:coordinates>-5.38302,35.91937 -5.27568,35.91937 -5.27568,35.87074 -5.38302,35.87074 -5.38302,35.91937</gml:coordinates> </gml:LinearRing> </gml:outerBoundaryIs></gml:Polygon> |
GML | <gml:Polygon xmlns:gml=""> <gml:exterior> <gml:LinearRing> <gml:posList>-5.38302 35.91937 -5.27568 35.91937 -5.27568 35.87074 -5.38302 35.87074 -5.38302 35.91937</gml:posList> </gml:LinearRing> </gml:exterior></gml:Polygon> |
WKT | POLYGON ((-5.38302 35.91937, -5.27568 35.91937, -5.27568 35.87074, -5.38302 35.87074, -5.38302 35.91937)) |
Lineage information
No additional information
Additional information
- Published by
- European Commission, Joint Research Centre
- Created date
- 2022-10-31
- Modified date
- 2022-10-31
- Issued date
- 2022-09-12
- Landing page
- Language(s)
- English
- Data theme(s)
- Regions and cities, Science and technology
- Update frequency
- unknown
- Identifier
- Popularity