Percentage of the population aged 30-34 who have successfully completed tertiary studies (university, higher technical institution, etc.). Gender breakdown is included.
Key indicators produced by the Research and Innovation Observatory (RIO) .
RIO monitored and analysed research and innovation developments during 2015-2020 at country and EU levels to support better policy making in Europe.
Datasets (44)
Data on employment in knowledge intensive business industries, expressed as thousands of employees and as a share of total employment. Gender shares are also provided. Created by f...
Data on venture capital investments collected by the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (EVCA) survey of all private equity and venture capital companies. Crea...
Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
R&D expenditure funded by the business enterprise sector (BES). Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Total Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications by inventors and countries of residence at priority date and at application date.
Households having access to broadband internet. Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Employment in Knowledge Intensive Activities (KIA) - both manufacturing and services - as a share of total employment. Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
The private sector comprises of the business sector (BES) and the private non profit (PNP) sector.
R&D funded by Abroad (EC included). Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
R&D investments of the public sector (GOV + HES) financed by business enterprises (BES).
Based on Community Innovation Survey data (CIS 2012-16)
The indicator is produced using two datasets on education due to the change of the classification system from 2013 onwards.
Unemployment rates are given for men and women and for the three levels of education, i.e. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.
The number and share of high-growth firms (growth by 10% or more, based on employment) and their employees by NACE sector levels 1 and 2 complemented with aggregated sectors define...
Business enterprise R&D expenditure (BERD) financed by public funding (i.e. by the government) Other sources of public funding (i.e. Higher Education and EU funding) are not includ...
R&D expenditure of the public sector (government and higher education) as % of GDP and as share of the total R&D expenditure. Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Number of births and deaths of firms compared to the population of active firms. Available by country and by NACE industry.
Total R&D expenditure by sector of performance (GOV, HES, BES, PNP). Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Annual growth rate of labour productivity defined as real value added per person or real value added per hours worked. Available by country and by NACE industry.
Labour productivity by size class compared to the labour productivity of large (250+ persons employed) firms. Labour productivity is defined as nominal value added per person. Avai...
Total intramural R&D expenditure only, no breakdown. Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Value added at factor cost. Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Total R&D expenditure by source of funding (GOV, HES, BES, PNP, ABR). Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
The R&D performed by the public sector consists of the aggregation of the R&D performed by the government (GOV) and higher education (HES) sector. Created by filtering the original...
Indicator prepared by DG RTD based on Eurostat data. It contains estimated or provisional data. The GDP used by Eurostat for the calculation of the official R&D intensities is of 1...
Patents are presented both by application and priority date.
This indicator shows the situation of each Member State with regard to its R&D intensity target
Total number of scientists and engineers aged 15 to 74 as a share of the active population. Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Number of researchers (male and female) in both the public (GOV, HES) and private (BES, PNP) sectors. Created by aggregating and filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Total number of graduates in ISCED 5 and 6. Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
R&D expenditure of the business sector (BERD) broken down by the source of funding, measured in Euros, national currency and % GDP. Contribution of each funding source also as shar...
The indicator excludes funds from international agencies and other foreign sources; it also excludes household expenditure outside educational institutions. Change in the classific...
Number of scientific publications among the top 10% most cited, in fractional counting.
R&D expenditure funded by Government. Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Value added at factor cost for knowledge-intensive services (KIS) and less knowledge-intensive services (LKIS) expressed as a share of the total value added and as a share of the v...
Defined as the ratio of turnover from products new to the enterprise and new to the market as a % of total turnover. Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Employment in medium-high and high-tech manufacturing in thousands of employees and as share in total employment. Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Both male and female students in tertiary education (ISCED97: ED5-6) and their respective shares. The number of students is expressed as a share of the population. Created by filte...
Sub-groups refer to tertiary education and to employment in science and technology. No breakdown in age groups and gender. Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Data on high-tech exports. Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Created by filtering the original Eurostat dataset.
Related resources (1)
Additional information
- Published by
- European Commission, Joint Research Centre
- Created date
- 2018-12-14
- Modified date
- 2021-06-14