Smart Specialisation Platform

Acronym: S3P


Smart Specialisation Platform: this is a collection of tools that are either described in their respective webpages but also in part in the following reports:

Eye-RIS3 tool:

- Jens Sorvik and Alexander Kleibrink, 2015. Mapping Innovation Priorities and Specialisation Patterns in Europe, JRC Working Papers JRC95227, Joint Research Centre (Seville site).

ICT monitoring tool:

- Jens Sorvik and Alexander Kleibrink, 2016. Mapping EU investments in ICT - description of an online tool and initial observations, JRC Working Papers JRC102233, Joint Research Centre (Seville site).

ESIF viewer: Builds on more or less same data engine as the ICT monitoring tool.

Regional Benchmarking:

- Mikel Navarro, Juan Jose Gibaja, Susana Franco, Asier Murciego, Carlo Gianelle, Alexander Kleibrink, Fatime Barbara Hegyi, 2014. Regional benchmarking in the smart specialisation process: Identification of reference regions based on structural similarity, JRC Working Papers JRC89819, Joint Research Centre (Seville site).

EU Trade tool:

- Thissen M. et al. (2013), Regional Competitiveness and Smart Specialization in Europe, Edward Elgar.

- Gianelle C. et al. (2014), Smart specialisation in the tangled web of European inter-regional trade, European Journal of Innovation Management, 17(4): 472-491.


JRC-B7-S3P (at)

Datasets (3)

DATASET | Last updated:
Eye@RIS3 tool

RIS3 is a process, at the end of which regional/national strategies should identify activities, in which an investment of resources is likely to stimulate knowledge-driven growth. ...

DATASET | Last updated:
ICT Monitoring - Planned ICT Investments under ESIF

This is a tool to search European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) data (ERDF, CF, ESF, YEI and EAFRD) on planned investments in ICT. The tool contains data from the ESIF Ope...

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European Commission, Joint Research Centre
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