Data for the Energy and Industry Geography Lab

Acronym: EIGL-Data


This collection includes spatial data that is related to the current and future energy and industrial infrastructure of Europe. The datasets in this collection serve the Energy and Industry Geography Lab of the JRC or has been produced by the Energy and Industry Geography Lab. The Energy and Industry Geography Lab is a web-based GIS tool and makes it possible to find and filter energy-related data, and create and share maps displaying this data. The Energy and Industry Geography Lab enables analyses and assessments that support Europe’s transition to climate neutrality.



Datasets (3)

DATASET | Last updated:
EU energy atlas - demand 2019

This dataset consists of a series of maps of the EU in TIFF format with the demand of the main groups of energy products from each category of economic activity, according to the e...

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Created date
Modified date