Economic and Financial Data at the Regional, Sectoral and Micro Level

Acronym: EUREGIO


Economic and Financial Data contains trade flows, global value chains at the regional and sectoral level, and financial and monetary data at the micro Level. These data are intended for being used in social-economic analysis for answering a wide-range of policy questions, including policies related to investments in innovation, human capital and green infrastructure, green finance and virtual currencies. The data are particularly well suited for a structural macroeconomic modelling, particularly in a general equilibrium framework, as the data are fully internally consistent and describe the entire global economy.


d'artis.kancs (at)

Datasets (3)

DATASET | Last updated:
Regional Input-Output Data for Europe

Inter-regional trade flows data for Europe at the NUTS2 level and NACE2 sectoral disaggregation. These data provided at the regional level (NUTS2) with sectoral detail (NACE2) are ...

DATASET | Last updated:
Regional Trade Data for Europe

Multiregional Input-Output Tables for Europe at the NUTS2 level and NACE2 sectoral disaggregation. These data provided at the regional level (NUTS2) with sectoral detail (NACE2) ar...

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
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