Climate change impact assessment

Acronym: CLIMATE


The Joint Research Centre (JRC) aims to develop knowledge and tools in support of the EU Climate Change Policy. In view of this, an important research topic of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) is to assess the physical and socio-economic impacts of global warming on hydrological extremes and on water resources availability in Europe.


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Datasets (18)

DATASET | Last updated:
Bias corrected high resolution temperature and precipitation projection for Europe in daily temporal resolution from the DMI HIRHAM5 regional climate model driven by boundary conditions from the ARPEGE global circulation model according to SRES A1B scenario, 1961-2099 (ENSEMBLES).

Daily values of mean, minimum, maximum temperature and total precipitation from the DMI HIRHAM-ARPEGE transient climate change simulation for the period 1961-2099 have been correct...

DATASET | Last updated:
Bias corrected high resolution temperature and precipitation projection for Europe in daily temporal resolution from the DMI HIRHAM5 regional climate model driven by boundary conditions from the ECHAM5 global circulation model according to SRES A1B scenario, 1961-2099 (ENSEMBLES).

Daily values of mean, minimum, maximum temperature and total precipitation from the DMI HIRHAM-ECHAM5 transient climate change simulation for the period 1961-2099 have been correct...

DATASET | Last updated:
Bias corrected high resolution temperature and precipitation projection for Europe in daily temporal resolution from the KNMI RACMO2 regional climate model driven by boundary conditions from the ECHAM5 global circulation model according to SRES A1B scenario, 1961-2099 (ENSEMBLES).

Daily values of mean, minimum, maximum temperature and total precipitation from the KNMI RACMO2-ECHAM5 transient climate change simulation for the period 1961-2099 have been correc...

DATASET | Last updated:
Bias corrected high resolution temperature and precipitation projection for Europe in daily temporal resolution from the U.K. Met Office Hadley Centre HadRM3 regional climate model driven by boundary conditions from the HadCM3 global circulation model according to SRES A1B scenario, 1961-2099 (ENSEMBLES).

Daily values of mean, minimum, maximum temperature and total precipitation from the METO-HC HadRM3-HadCM3 transient climate change simulation for the period 1961-2099 have been cor...

DATASET | Last updated:
Bias corrected high resolution temperature and precipitation projection for Europe in daily temporal resolution from the SMHI RCA regional climate model driven by boundary conditions from the ECHAM5/OMI global circulation model according to SRES A1B scenario, 1961-2099 (ENSEMBLES).

Daily values of mean, minimum, maximum temperature and total precipitation from the SMHI RCA-ECHAM5 transient climate change simulation for the period 1961-2099 have been corrected...

DATASET | Last updated:
Climate Data Northern Greece

Climatic data related to a study that investigated the association between climatic factors and reported human cases of West Nile Fever in Greece over the period 2010-2014.

DATASET | Last updated:
Mosquito Traps Data in Northern Greece

Mosquito traps data related to a study that investigated the association between climatic factors and West Nile virus infected mosquitoes in mosquitoes traps in the period 2011-201...

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European Commission, Joint Research Centre
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