Datasets (61)

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  • CONTRIBUTORS European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Last updated: | Recent visits: 23
AI TES Dataset 2019

This dataset is the result of a study aimed at mapping the techno-economic segment (TES) of artificial intelligence (AI) from a multidimensional perspective, providing an overview of the worldwide AI landscape in the last decade. The unit of the analysis is th...

Last updated: | Recent visits: 7
Patent classes

Additional patent related information. IPC and WIPO 35 technological classifications.

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Multiple co-occurring erosion processes on global cropland

Novel assessment of the spatial distribution of individual and combined (additive) threat to soil due to five erosion processes across the world's areas suitable for farming. Susceptibility classes were predicted for water erosion, wind erosion, Soil Loss by C...

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Patent portfolio

Patent data including publication authority, year of filing, priority, inpadoc family

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GECO 2018: Greenhouse gas emissions and Energy balances

Data complementing the JRC Science for Policy Global Energy and Climate Outlook report series. The data is detailed greenhouse gas and energy balances for several scenarios of the GECO reports (Reference, 2°C, 1.5°C scenarios) for 36 world regions and the EU. ...

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Land degradation debt

We define as environmental debt: (a) the difference between natural forest potential and actual tree cover globally, and aggregated by latitude and by world region, (b) the difference between natural soil erosion and actual soil erosion globally, and aggregat...

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European Soil Database Derived data

A number of layers for soil properties have been created based on data from the European Soil Database in combination with data from the Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD) and Soil-Terrain Database (SOTER). The available layers include: Total available wate...

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Global Soil Organic Carbon Estimates

Global estimates of soil organic carbon stocks have been produced in the past to support the calculation of potential emissions of CO2 from the soil under scenarios of change land use/cover and climatic conditions (IPCC, 2006), but very few global estimates ar...

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Supply Chain Viewer

The dataset contains all the raw data and elaboration in support of the latest editions of the List of Critical Raw Materials for the EU

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Flood in Bulgaria (2022-11-30)

Activation date: 2022-11-30 Event type: Flood Activation reason: The CEMS Risk and Recovery Standard has been activated for the analysis of the flood occurred in September 2022 in Bulgaria, in the villages of Bogdan and Karavelovo, in Karlovo Municip...

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Spectral Adjustment of Surface reflectance dataset

The data set is composed by three hyperspectral data sets: - From USGS spectral measurements (900 spectra) - From simulated reflectance by the ProSail radiative transfer model (20,000 spectra) - From real-world Hyperion observations (10,000 spectra)

Last updated: | Recent visits: 5
2020 PREDICT Dataset (deprecated)

The 2021 PREDICT Dataset updates and substitutes the 2020 PREDICT Dataset. PREDICT includes statistics on ICT industries and their R&D in Europe since 2006. The project covers major world competitors including 40 advanced and emerging countries - the EU28 plu...