Flood in Bulgaria (2022-11-30)

Collection: CEMS-RRM : CEMS Risk and Recovery Mapping 


Activation date: 2022-11-30
Event type: Flood

Activation reason:

The CEMS Risk and Recovery Standard has been activated for the analysis of the flood occurred in September 2022 in Bulgaria, in the villages of Bogdan and Karavelovo, in Karlovo Municipality.From the 2nd of September 2022, torrential rainfalls caused rivers and streams to overflow flooding several villages in Plovdiv Province including Bogdan, Rozino, Karavelovo, Stoletovo, Pesnopoi and Trilistnik and the flooding reached a depth from 1.5m to 2m in some areas.Local media reported that the entire village of Bogdan was under water at one point after an embankment along the Stryama River failed. At least 200 homes across the province have been damaged or destroyed. Damage to infrastructures left the area without electricity and drinking water. Bridges and roads were also destroyed leaving some villages isolated. Military helicopters were used to deliver relief supplies and carry out the rescue of people. In Karavelovo and Bogdan, it was reported that 36 people were saved by boats and by various alpine techniques.A hydraulic modelling approach has been adopted to provide the temporal analysis of the occurred flood event (P06 product) in terms of maximum flood extent, maximum water depth, and flood temporal evolution estimated during the period 2nd September 2022 – 5th September 2022. The model has been calibrated using the flood footprint retrieved from a Sentinel-2 image acquired on 5th September 2022 (31.3 ha), where flood traces were observed and digitized through visual interpretation.The maximum flood extent retrieved from the hydraulic modelling is 840.4 ha in AOI01. The maximum water depth has been evaluated mostly within the range 0.5-1.4 m.The Impact assessment analyses on assets and population has been performed based on the available reference data as provided through the P02-Reference Dataset product, the GlobeLand30 dataset, and the population information provided by the WorldPop dataset. The product has been delivered by reporting, in tabular form, the impact of the maximum flood extent provided by the P06 product.


jrc-ems-rapidmapping (at)


How to cite

European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) (2022): Flood in Bulgaria (2022-11-30). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:


BGR Bulgaria CEMS Copernicus Copernicus Emergency Management Service Copernicus Emergency Management Service Risk and Recovery Mapping Activation Copernicus EMS Copernicus Service Emergency Emergency Management EMSN141 Flood Mapping Risk and Recovery Mapping

Data access

Copernicus EMS Risk and Recovery Mapping Activation [EMSN141]: Flood in Bulgaria (2022-11-30)
  • Maps produced in scope of this Copernicus EMS Risk and Recovery Mapping activation downloadable as georeferenced PDFs, TIFFs and JPEGs together with relevant geodatabase (GDB) and complete final report as well.

Spatial coverage

Type Value
<gml:Polygon xmlns:gml="">  <gml:outerBoundaryIs>    <gml:LinearRing>      <gml:coordinates>24.61537,42.6655 24.70135,42.6655 24.70135,42.6168 24.61537,42.6168 24.61537,42.6655</gml:coordinates>    </gml:LinearRing>  </gml:outerBoundaryIs></gml:Polygon>
<gml:Polygon xmlns:gml="">  <gml:exterior>    <gml:LinearRing>      <gml:posList>24.61537 42.6655 24.70135 42.6655 24.70135 42.6168 24.61537 42.6168 24.61537 42.6655</gml:posList>    </gml:LinearRing>  </gml:exterior></gml:Polygon>
POLYGON ((24.61537 42.6655, 24.70135 42.6655, 24.70135 42.6168, 24.61537 42.6168, 24.61537 42.6655))

Lineage information

No additional information

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Created date
Modified date
Issued date
Landing page 
Data theme(s)
Regions and cities, Science and technology
Update frequency