Datasets (3646)

Showing results 141 to 160

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GDO Ensemble Soil Moisture Anomaly (version 2.3.0)

Soil moisture anomaly maps are computed on a 30-day moving window at a spatial resolution of 0.1 decimal degrees and updated every 10 days. Moving windows have an ordinal reference: - 1st window of month M goes from day 11 of month M-1 to day 10 of month M (e....

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GDO 10-day static Crop Masks (based on ASAP, version 1.0.0)

The Crop Masks used in the European Drought Observatory (EDO) and Global Drought Observatory (GDO) consist of 36 binary spatial layers (one for each 10-day period of the year) used to depict the location and extent of crop in its growing season. The input data...

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EDO Total Water Storage Anomaly (TWSA) (GRACE)

The Total Water Storage (TWS) Anomaly indicator that is implemented in the Copernicus Global Drought Observatory (GDO) is used for determining the occurrence of long-term hydrological drought conditions, which arise when the TWS reaches values lower than usual...

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FIGARO-E3 replication code (GAMS)