Datasets (4)

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  • KEYWORDS pan European Copernicus Emergency Management Service EFAS flood forecast hydrological extremes
Last updated: | Recent visits: 3
EFAS flood reporting points

This data set contains key locations at which the EFAS flood forecast shows a high probability of exceeding the EFAS 2-/5-year return period. For those locations a wide-range of additional hydro-meteorological information are provided. Additional hydro-meteo...

Last updated: | Recent visits: 2
EFAS flood probabilities

This data set shows for all European rivers the probability (in %) of the EFAS hydrological predictions (based on the ECMWF ensembles) exceeding the EFAS 5-year return period within the forecast range (next 10 days). This information is part of the operationa...

Last updated: | Recent visits: 3
EFAS real-time hydrographs

This data set shows for all locations where near real-time discharge observations are available to EFAS post-processed forecast hydrographs, with 15 days lead time; including probability of exceeding MHQ / MQ. This information is part of the operational suit...

Last updated: | Recent visits: 12
ERIC flash flood indicator

EFAS holds two flash flood indicators: ERIC and ERICHA. The ERIC flash flood indicator data set holds two layers. The one layer contains key locations at which the ERIC flash flood indicator forecasts a high probability of exceeding the 5-/20-year return perio...