Datasets (3)

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  • KEYWORDS Copernicus Emergency Management Service LISFLOOD
Last updated: | Recent visits: 17
EFAS v5.0 hydrological reanalysis

The EFAS v5.0 hydrological reanalysis dataset is the new generation of the hydrological reanalysis produced within the Copernicus Emergency Management Service including maps of discharge (in m3/s) with European extent at 1 arc minute (~1.5 km) grid resolution ...

Last updated: | Recent visits: 86
GloFAS v4.0 hydrological reanalysis

The GloFAS v4.0 hydrological reanalysis dataset is the new generation of the ERA5-forced hydrological reanalysis produced within the Copernicus Emergency Management Service including daily maps of discharge (in m3/s) with quasi global extent at 0.05 degree (~5...

Last updated: | Recent visits: 2
EFAS hydrological skill

This layer shows the hydrological skill of LISFLOOD expressed through the modified Kling-Gupta Efficiency for the calibration and validation period at gauging stations, which were used to calibrate LISFLOOD. For more information regarding the Kling-Gupta Effic...