UDP - Urban form efficiency, 2011 (JRC LUISA Reference Scenario 2016)

Collection: LUISA : Land-Use based Integrated Sustainability Assessment modelling platform 


The indicator first identifies the minimum number of public transport stops that could serve 80% of a city’s total population, and second computes the average distance between the identified stops. It finally normalizes the multiplication of these two values with the population that is served within the city. If the majority of a city can be served with few public transport stops and these stops are close to each other, this city has a more efficient urban form. It classifies cities into five classes, based on their population size from small to large and compares cities within these classes whether they have high or low urban form efficiency in terms of ease of access to potential public transport services.




How to cite

Kompil, Mert; Lavalle, Carlo (2015): UDP - Urban form efficiency, 2011 (JRC LUISA Reference Scenario 2016). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:


EU Reference Scenario 2016 FUA public transport service urban form efficiency Urban indicator

Data access

UDP - Urban form efficiency (Europe)
  • The download link contains the information at FUA level from 01-01-2011 to 31-12-2011 in the European Union. The data is stored in text/csv format.

UDP - Urban form efficiency (Danube)
  • The download link contains the information at FUA level from 01-01-2011 to 31-12-2011 in the European Union. The data is stored in text/csv format.

LUISA Territorial Modelling Platform
  • The LUISA Territorial Modelling Platform is primarily used for the ex-ante evaluation of EC policies that have a direct or indirect territorial impact

Urban Data Platform
  • The Urban Data Platform is a joint initiative of the Directorate General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) and the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) of the European Commission. It provides an access point to exchange information on the status and trends of European cities and regions.It visualizes data via maps at three different geographical units including EU-wide Cities/Greater Cities, Functional Urban Areas and Metropolitan Regions. It also includes time series graphs for selected cities, for Metropolitan Regions, and by degree of urbanisation.


Publication 2015
Indicators of urban form and sustainable urban transport: Introducing simulation-based indicators for the LUISA modelling platform
Jacobs C, Kompil M, Baranzelli C, Lavalle C. Indicators of urban form and sustainable urban transport: Introducing simulation-based indicators for the LUISA modelling platform. EUR 27708. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2015. JRC99984
  • Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Publication page 
  • Abstract

    Sustainable urban transport is a key objective of European Commission policies and often an integral part of debates on good and bad urban form. Because of the expected relation between sustainable transport and urban form, indicators that communicate transport sustainability impacts have repeatedly been requested for the LUISA modelling platform. This report presents three novel indicators that may shed some light on potential transport sustainability impacts of modelled future urbanization patterns. These indicators are: 1) A measure that indicates for every inhabited 1 km grid cell in Europe the average Euclidean distance travelled for social visits, given a number of assumptions and methodological limitations; 2) A measure that indicates how many vehicle kilometres are travelled in any road-carrying grid cell in Europe; and 3) A measure that indicates to what degree the population distribution in a city is supportive for an effective public transport system. Because of methodological limitations and data availability all presented indicators are based on simulation exercises that take into account only fine resolution population distributions and transport supply. Thus these indicators can give insight into the degree in which management of urban growth may encourage sustainable transport. The report presents the indicators at hand and some first results in which the emphasis is put on differences between European cities. The report’s conclusions reflect on the usefulness of the indicators for policy evaluations, and on research that will have to be done in the future.

The State of European cities 2016. Cities leading the way to a better future
Kompil, Mert; Lavalle, Carlo

Geographic areas

European Union

Temporal coverage

From date To date
2011-01-01 2011-12-31

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Created date
Modified date
Issued date
Landing page 
Data theme(s)
Health, Population and society, Science and technology
Update frequency