Policy initiatives, measures and instruments supporting the bioeconomy in the EU and MSs

Collection: BIOE-strategies : Bioeconomy-related policy initiatives 


This dataset provides general information on policy initiatives, measures, and instruments that support the deployment of the bioeconomy in the EU Member States. The initiatives are grouped in 5 broad categories:

- Initiatives on infrastructure and capacity building: instruments that promote pilot and demonstration facilities and industrial clusters; design bioeconomy-specific educational programmes and professional trainings; develop cooperation platforms to mobilise biomass resources; and create national registers and statistics of bio-based industries. - Initiatives promoting research and innovation: initiatives aiming to create bioeconomy-specific research centres and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP); and fund research and innovation specifically on the bioeconomy. - Measures promoting the production & commercialisation of bio-based products: initiatives promoting access to capital for bio-based companies; regulating the purchase prices of bio-based products; fostering the use of bio-based products (e.g. bio-based quotas, bio-tickets, credit programmes). - Measures addressing the demand for bio-based products: measures like national standards and labeling systems of bio-based products, public procurement programmes, campaigns of aware raising, studies on public behaviour and/or consumer perception. - Collaboration initiatives: instruments to foster bottom-up initiatives; to promote the transfer of technology; to enable multi-stakeholder involvement and dialogue.

This information is based on inputs from national experts, as part of a Working Group on ‘Knowledge for the bioeconomy’ under the European Bioeconomy Policy Forum and covers only Member States for which data had been provided. The contents are not intended to be exhaustive. Links to other websites are for information only. We do not endorse or accept any responsibility or liability for the material on any website referred to or accessed through this dashboard.


EC-Bioeconomy-KC (at)


How to cite

Girardi, Jacopo; Sanchez Lopez, Javier; Avraamides, Marios; Valeria Magnolfi (2023): Policy initiatives, measures and instruments supporting the bioeconomy in the EU and MSs. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:


bioeconomy cluster policy stakeholder

Data access

JRC Data Repository
  • The dataset can be downloaded from the JRC Data Repository

Interactive dashboard
  • Dashboard that allows the user to download the whole dataset or at country level

Trends in the EU Bioeconomy
  • Policy monitoring frameworks allow decision makers to assess the performance and progress towards specific strategic objectives that reflect an overall vision. The bioeconomy consists of complex social, economic, and environmental systems. The EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System was developed by the JRC to fulfil the need for a holistic policy monitoring framework and track economic, environmental and social progress towards a sustainable bioeconomy through relevant indicators. Here we present the first assessment based on the EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System


Publication 2023
EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System indicator update
Sanchez-Jerez, P.J., Raftoyannis, Y. and Rihimaki, M., EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System indicator update, Mubareka, S. editor(s), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, ISBN 978-92-76-61674-0 (online), doi:10.2760/19269 (online), JRC132405.
  • Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Publication page 
  • Abstract

    The conceptual framework of the EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System was designed to assess the EU’s progress towards a circular and sustainable bioeconomy. Indicators were selected to cover the various parts of the framework but gaps in the knowledge or data still exist.

    This document describes the progress made in filling gaps in the indicators that had been identified as being important to understand the progress of the EU Bioeconomy. In 2022, three gaps were addressed: Climate change adaptation in fisheries, climate change adaptation in forestry and share of wood in construction.

Geographic areas

European Union

Temporal coverage

From date To date
2015-01-01 2022-01-01

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Created date
Modified date
Issued date
Landing page 
Data theme(s)
Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Economy and finance, Environment, Science and technology
Update frequency