INSPIRE Registry

Acronym: INSPIRE-Registry


The INSPIRE Directive aims to create a European Union spatial data infrastructure for the purposes of EU environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment.

The INSPIRE infrastructure involves a number of items, which require clear descriptions and the possibility to be referenced through unique identifiers. Examples for such items include INSPIRE themes, code lists and application schemas. The INSPIRE Registry provides a central access point to a number of centrally managed registers, which contain descriptions of these items (including labels, definitions and other relevant properties) in different languages and assign unique and persistent identifiers to them. The content of the registers are based on the INSPIRE Directive, Implementing Rules and Technical Guidelines.


jrc-inspire-support (at)

Datasets (10)

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INSPIRE application schema register

The INSPIRE application schema register contains all application schemas of the consolidated INSPIRE UML data model.

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INSPIRE code list register

The INSPIRE code list register contains the code lists and their values, as defined in the INSPIRE implementing rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services (Commiss...

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INSPIRE reference document register

This register provides unique identifiers for documents or parts of documents (e.g. chapters or tables) used in INSPIRE. These may include the INSPIRE legal acts, technical guideli...

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INSPIRE enumeration register

The INSPIRE enumeration register contains the enumerations and their values, as defined in the INSPIRE implementing rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services (Com...

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INSPIRE feature concept dictionary

The INSPIRE Feature Concept Dictionary (IFCD) acts as a common feature concept dictionary for all INSPIRE data specifications. The common feature concept dictionary contains terms ...

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INSPIRE glossary

The INSPIRE Glossary contains general terms and definitions that specify the common terminology used in the INSPIRE Directive and in the INSPIRE Implementing Rules documents. The g...

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INSPIRE layer register

The INSPIRE layer register contains all the harmonised layer, as defined in the "COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the...

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INSPIRE media-types register

This register contains media types used for spatial data sets in INSPIRE, in particular in INSPIRE download services. Whenever media types exist that are registered with IANA or ar...

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INSPIRE metadata code list register

The INSPIRE metadata code list register contains the code lists and their values, as defined in the INSPIRE implementing rules on metadata (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008)...

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INSPIRE theme register

The INSPIRE theme register contains all spatial data themes, as defined in the Annexes of the INSPIRE Directive ( Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council ...

Additional information

Published by
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Created date
Modified date
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